Whenever I see a tree, especially this part “bark”, I feel like I’m getting a deep calm and energy from IT linked with its hidden root. (Surely, another reason that I like the bark of the tree is that it was an ingredient of making a good item in the computer game which I had liked once.:))
Whenever I see a tree, especially this part “bark”, I feel like I’m getting a deep calm and energy from IT linked with its hidden root. (Surely, another reason that I like the bark of the tree is that it was an ingredient of making a good item in the computer game which I had liked once.:))
Anyway, I searched for an origin of the word “bark”, and I found the exactly right explanation in a dictionary that why it helps me feel inner peace and clear mind.
By OED, it is said that a bark possibly related to break. Break means time off, stop, recess, etc.
Also, another interesting point is that [ark] of [b+ark] usually means Noah’s ark and Noah means tranquility, rest, peace..and so on in the Hebrew language.
I realize that the language in our world really reflect our thoughts and ideas again and hope to have this precious feeling time from forests that lead me to aliveness at every moment more and more. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *This writing is my favorite. Althogh I wrote this, I love my view. What is this feeling?